May 14, 2013

Beginning Photography Tips, A Few Basic Tips For Taking Digital Photography

This image shows a Canon EOS 350D digital sing...
Beginning Photography Tips, A Few Basic Tips For Taking Digital Photography  

By: Mick Legg

My first tip for taking digital photography for anyone whether they are beginning, or have some degree of experience is “don’t be frightened of your camera”. Get used to handling your camera so that you feel comfortable with it. Make sure you know where all the controls are, and familiarise yourself with their functions. This is one of the basic beginning photography tips that often gets overlooked as it is such an obvious one.

Once you are comfortable handling your digital camera and have learnt how to use all the controls and functions, my next tip for taking digital photography is to take lots and lots of pictures. The beauty of digital photography is that you do not need to keep every picture that you take. You are not paying for a long processing sequence like you would be if you were using a camera that uses rolls of film, so you can be a lot more extravagant when it comes to taking pictures. Plus you may just take a prize winning photo purely by chance, and any photos you don’t want you can simply delete.

Mother's Day

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May 1, 2013

Photographer Quote of The Day!

"The camera always points both ways. In expressing your subject, you also express yourself."
 - Freeman Patterson